We have many years of experience in the development of in-store applications supporting operations in the retail sector. We know how important fiscal data is for retailers. It helps prepare research and reports. That is why we have created the Central Electronic Journal Repository (CREJ). It is a multifunctional system responsible for managing archives of documents from fiscal printers.
CREJ main functions
CREJ is a supplement to the in-store application offer and consists of two main modules: sales reporting and telemetry. Its 3 main functions are:
- acquisition of content from company resources,
- collecting documents
- processing them following the needs of users.
CREJ gives immediate and direct access to all cash register records.
The frequency of communication for sales data is once a day (push of a full day, the size depends on how many sales were on the printer), and for telemetric data – every 10 minutes (small telemetric frame, 8 KB).
The system allows immediate and direct access to all cash register documents. This applies even to dispersed shops that are part of a chain. CREJ makes it possible to use all details found in the cash register system and the associated structures. This allows preparing own data sources which will be used in the following operations.
Secure and scalable solution
CREJ requires a separate virtual host for the API and a separate one for the Client. On the one hand, it allows for scaling, and on the other hand, it is a protection in case the Client server is overloaded. The API will then not stop working and CREJ will accept data into the database and communicate with printers. What’s more, if the number of printers communicating with the API increases so much that it will not be efficient, it is possible to add another virtual host for the second API, as well as put a load balancer (a device that distributes the load on many processors) in front of it, which will discharge traffic.
Key benefits
As it was mentioned, the main functions of CREJ are to collect documents from fiscal printers and allow their processing for reports and analysis. What other benefits offer CREJ:
– securing data with the possibility of its full restoration,
– monitoring of printer operation status and detection of potential malfunctions in the entire network,
– definable document search criteria, e.g. by VAT rates,
– possibility to process data for reports, e.g. daily reports,
– access control through user authorisation mechanism,
– granting access to employees regardless of the location of the office,
– possibility to print and save the required copies of documents.
Should you have any questions regarding the CREJ system, do not hesitate to contact us.