Deloitte published the 14th edition of its annual Tech Trends report at the end of last year. It outlines six macro-factors that, at most, will impact the business transformation of enterprises over the next 24 months.
The story of IT is the continuous development of pioneering innovations in interaction, information and computing, the three enduring elements of modern IT. In order for businesses to operate smoothly during development, existing systems and investments should integrate seamlessly with pioneering innovations. Identified in the Deloitte Tech Trends 2023 report, the six macro-technology factors form the basis for IT development. As the authors of the report state, it is business that drives technology, not the other way around.
Immersive internet for the enterprise
For decades, connectivity with the digital world has been done using smaller and smaller screens. But they can’t get smaller forever, so the attention of researchers and IT companies has shifted to interfaces. These are supposed to take the user through the glass screen to completely virtual experiences, including the metaverse, a digital world that has been increasingly discussed recently. Over the next few years, virtual interfaces are expected to continue their journey from a technology, to a toy, to a useful tool for businesses.
Some companies are building their business models around the unique opportunities offered by “unlimited reality,” while others are providing employees with an immersive environment in which they can improve their operations, collaborate or learn. Over the next decade, as technology evolves, organizations should shift from reality to the internet – through augmented ways of interacting with mixed reality, which combines the physical and virtual worlds.
Opening up to AI
With the increasing standardization and commoditization of tools using AI, few companies can achieve true competitive gains by developing a better algorithm. What should differentiate companies that are truly AI-driven will be to use AI as proficiently as possible in their processes.
A key element that is developing much more slowly than machine learning technology is trust. With machines taking over tasks previously performed by humans (beyond basic number processing) and entering the realm of decision-making, the business world needs to understand again what it means to trust machines.
Taming multicloud chaos
To simplify the management of multiclouds, some enterprises are beginning to reach beyond the expanding multicloud layer – for an alternative known as metacloud or supercloud. This family of tools and techniques can help break down the complexity of multicloud environments by providing access to shared services, such as the use of storage and compute, artificial intelligence, security assurance, or application development and deployment. Metacloud provides organizations overwhelmed by multicloud complexity with a single control panel.
Flexibility, the best ability – reimagining the tech workforce
In recent times, many organizations have been caught up in fierce competition for limited technology talent resources. But since tech skills become outdated every few years, hiring for current needs is not an effective long-term strategy. Rather than competing in an environment of scarcity, wise leaders seek to create an environment where technology talent can be cultivated and will thrive. Companies should value flexibility as a top skill.
By building a skills-based organization, as well as tapping into creative talent sources and providing compelling experiences for the latter, companies can achieve their goals. In the long term, organizations should plan to brush up on their humanities, as AI technology is advanced enough to perform many of the lower-level tasks that IT teams are currently burdened with.
Decentralized architectures and ecosystems
Ecosystems based on blockchain (technology that is used to transfer and store transaction information) are becoming key not only to the development and monetization of digital assets, but also to the creation of digital trust. As organizations begin to understand the utility of blockchain, they are realizing that building stakeholder trust can be one of its main benefits.
Organizations can cement their credibility by creating a more decentralized internet – Web3 – in which a single, immutable version of the truth is based on public blockchains. In this world, digital natives will increasingly demand higher-quality evidence and higher-order truth. Decentralized business models that achieve consensus through code, cryptography and technology protocols show that none of us is as trustworthy as all of us.
Mainframe modernization hits its stride
Instead of replacing legacy core systems, enterprises have begun looking for ways to extend their functionality by combining them with new technologies. With tried-and-true approaches to legacy system modernization, companies are leveraging mainframes and their valuable data to drive digital transformation.
The answer to the question of whether to keep applications on the mainframe or move them to the cloud, however, is complicated. While refactored applications can work more seamlessly with modern, cloud-native applications, the refactoring proces takes a lot of work.
Enterprises will need to compare the benefits and costs of moving applications from mainframes to the cloud. Evaluate what business needs have changed and what capabilities the cloud provides to meet those needs compared to mainframes.