Boots on the ground in Poland – what we’re really great at!

Of course the digital dream’s going to happen; come on, it has done in the UK. Out here in Poland, we’re great at three things; all big components of bringing the omnichannel dream together: respond quickly, breathe omnichannel and advance on digital payments. Let me explain why.
We’re proven experts, passionate about;
Rapid Response, precision field based service for the retail and banking sectors;
Omnichannel Retail – bricks-and-mortar space through to online megastore – emerging one space, digital retail;
Advanced Digital Payments – we do great software development for the market leading payment companies, banks and insurers. We also help retailers with safe and secure payments which inspire trust and loyalty.
I’m touring Poland and Romania over the next few weeks, so I thought I would expand our 3 areas of expertise until you get bored and tell me to stop. So here it goes:
Advanced field based services for multi-outlet retail and banking.
Whether it moves or not – desktop, laptop, mobile device or printer – we manage the IT.
We are the leading nationwide provider of remote advanced IT and ICT support services. Our services range from standard warranty support to advanced RMA services and extensive support packages.
We manage your company’s IT assets – in the office, at home or on the go. Our services are provided by experienced engineers trained to the highest standards through OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) accreditation programs and authorised support centres.
We work across the full product lifecycle to provide advanced solutions and services which get greater value out of your IT and ICT assets.
Why we’re the best:
A comprehensive range of customer network services across a broad range of sectors and locations.
We grew up in the retail sector – rapid rollouts, fast switchover and multi-format total reliability is our mission. Network performance, asset optimization and lifetime performance is our value.
IT networks and infrastructure
Fiscal printers and mobile devices
Warranty service and post warranty contract
Dedicated engineers with rapid response times will work either remotely or on site to resolve your problems – fast! On site engineers working together with an active help desk dedicated to first class customer service.
Remote and On site Management Support. One Company, One Contact, One Management Package
How often does your current IT support company blame something or someone else for a persistent problem?
IT and ICT assets audit and inventory
Advanced system support
24/7 back up
How many times do you have to wait hours, even days for your IT support firm to contact you or to diagnose a problem that you have? Exorigo-Upos IT Asset PRO has guaranteed response times of 60 minutes or less.
100% Guarantee
How much of a guarantee does your current IT support company provide you with? Is it a strict 100% guarantee on all of the work that they have done for you?
Fixed Price Support
Does your current IT support company offer you fixed cost services? Or do you always ending up paying more that you first thought you would have to for a job to be completed?
With Exorigo-Upos IT ASSET PRO, all our basic work is guaranteed and at a fixed price, allowing you to budget for any work that may need to be done ahead of time
We speak in language you can understand
Any time you are in contact with a member of the response team, they will do their best to help you to resolve any issues that you might have. This will be done quickly and effectively, but above all, there will be absolutely no technobabble.
All of our engineers will explain what they are doing in simple, easy to understand, everyday terms.
Opening Asset Balance
We audit your current company assets free of charge. We tell you what we find and create a management inventory as a basis for our engagement.
Dedicated Helpdesk
Need urgent support right now? Immediately? No problem! We pride ourselves in having our helpdesk calls answered within 10 seconds. Our entire company focus is on ensuring that we deliver the very best in customer service.
Remote and On site Support
Comprehensive range of IT and ICT support solutions to cover all computer and communications issues. Dedicated engineers with rapid response times will work either remotely or onsite to resolve your issues – fast!
Data and System Monitoring
Closely monitoring your company’s valuable data systems allows us to react quickly to resolve any problems that may arise as and when they happen, rather than you having to wait to report the issue in the first place.